Trick or Treating. Who doesn’t love it? I’m sure we all had memories of going around the neighborhood carrying those little pumpkin baskets before we got smart and started bringing pillowcases. The time when take one didn’t cause an all-out war for the whole bowl. You know, young trick or treating. The kind parents love. They don’t want any snotty teens on their lawn asking them for candy, they want the cute princesses. That’s why some towns have been banning trick or treating for kids over 12. In my unbiased opinion as a teenager who trick or treats, this isn’t fair. But if you are trapped in a situation where you can’t trick or treat for one reason or another, that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy Halloween. So here are some fun alternatives to trick or treating on Halloween.

Just the tricks

If you don’t feel like walking around a neighborhood and asking strangers for candy, you can be the stranger and hand candy out. Pass the time by scaring children with novelty masks and yelling boo. Or you can go all the way and dress up in a creepy costume and chase 5-year-olds around. What could be more fun? Make it a challenge to scare as many people as you possibly can, your friends, family, everyone you know! If you do it well enough, I can guarantee you it will be a Halloween you’ll never forget. I suggest turning the power off late at night and doing as you please.

Staying at home

Don’t have friends? You can just stay home and have a fun time on your own. Most TV shows have Halloween specials to watch, or you could play video games, read a book. You could eat oranges until the sun comes up. You could eat oranges until the sun goes down again. Or you could just do what you do every other day of your life. However, this is highly unrecommended, as Halloween is one of the best times of the year and you should be having a life.

Go trick or treating

Who cares what those prudes think? Trick or treating is amazing! You get to dress up as anything, from skeletons to bananas, while also getting free candy. If you are so worried about people wondering if you are 18 years old, just slap on a John Cena mask and be a tall 12-year-old. Nobody will be any the wiser. Plus, free candy. You can’t pass it up. Forget society, get out there!

Halloween only comes around once a year. So celebrate it in some way! Don’t be boring. Go out and be spooky, be fun, and be scary!