College application season was a trying time for many of us seniors, making the month of October more difficult to get through than the average year. As many of us submitted our applications under the Early Action deadline, November should be a month of recuperation. This month should be about taking time for yourself. After spending the month of October giving attention to the future, I encourage you to spend your November occupying yourself with the present. Here are some easy ways to make November your month of relaxation and repose after undergoing a period of stress.


 1. Workout

 Exercise not only improves your physical health but your mental health as well. Releasing anxious energy through physical activity is proven to be one of the most effective ways of calming down an overactive mind. Exercising in as simple of a way as going for a walk will be an immense asset to the process of moving on from the stress of the application process.


 2. Meditate

Being a major proponent of meditation myself, I maintain that this type of relaxation is life-changing and solves many problems. There are many different forms of meditation and all are centered around the focus of slowing down your thoughts and living within the moment instead of wandering behind or ahead of it. Practicing meditation frequently will help in calming your worries about the outcome of your application process.


 3. Spend Time In Nature

Going outside if only for a few minutes helps us to remember that there are bigger things other than our problems. If you take the time to analyze the massive sky above you or the rooted and stable tree in your yard, you can learn a lot about how you should face your problems.


 4. Hobby

Now that you have the time after an entire period of focusing solely on applications, you should take that time and use it for yourself. Do something you love, no matter how small. The little hobbies we love are what make life worth living. Even during stressful times, we should never lose sight of that.


 5. Spend Time With Friends or Family

Spending time with the ones we love helps us focus on something other than ourselves. Loved ones help our problems appear manageable. Forgiving yourself can be even harder than forgiving others but spending time with our family and friends teaches us that we are worthy of forgiveness and love.


 6. Relinquish Control

This is difficult for us all but very effective. What we must realize is that once we send out those applications, admission is not in our control. Fate and the college admission officers are in charge of your destiny now. If you don’t get into your top school, then you weren’t meant to go there. You will end up in the place that is right for you.