If you’re anything like me, you have a strong affinity for Halloween, but, surprisingly, really don’t like being scared. Are you wondering how you should proceed with your Halloween festivities with this sort of affliction? I’ve got you covered. Here is a list of my favorite Halloween movies that contain no shortage of Halloween flair, but are, thankfully, devoid of any jump scares.

1. Hocus Pocus

Quite possibly the prime Halloween movie, Hocus Pocus is one you’ll want to watch before anyone can scold you for neglecting it. Featuring ancient witches and spells, a talking cat, and the atmosphere of the ’90s: this movie has it all.

2. The Haunted Mansion

Quite possibly the most fun and inventive Halloween movie, The Haunted Mansion is an underrated charm you shouldn’t forget to check off your list before November 1st. Based on the famous Disney ride, the Haunted Mansion features intricate imagery and a unique storyline with no deficit of lightheartedness, courtesy of Eddie Murphy.

3. Corpse Bride

Being my favorite Tim Burton movie, Corpse Bride is a beautifully told story of the fragility and importance of life. The imagery alone is enough reason to watch this movie, let alone the melodic voice of Johnny Depp, clever writing, and original soundtrack. This is a must-watch movie, even outside of October.

4. Beetlejuice

The most humorous of the movies on this list, Beetlejuice is a classic you should be sure to watch to avoid references flying over your head. Additionally, any movie with an iconic Michael Keaton character is one you should put on your to-watch list ASAP. You may even be inspired to dress in a black and white striped suit and a green wig this Halloween.

5. Hotel Transylvania

For our cartoon-oriented readers, Hotel Transylvania is the perfect Halloween movie to relax to, not having to pay attention too heavily. Featuring a hotel packed with notorious (but friendly) monsters, one voiced by our school favorite, Adam Sandler, this movie contains no shortage of Halloween appeal.

6. Halloweentown

While not my favorite Halloween movie, many swear by it as being the perfect comfort movie. This movie will surely get you feeling Halloween-y without being put through any sort of apprehension.

Some of us enjoy Halloween despite our diversion to horror. For those of you with this predicament, I hope you now find that there are a good amount of Halloween movies that skip the scare scenes.