All around, popping up at every corner, are countless problems with our environment. So many in fact, that we become easily overwhelmed; those of us who want to help, end up asking the question “How can I help?” My hope is that this article will help answer this question, giving you feasible and easy solutions to the bettering of the world that continues to be so important to our lives.

  1. Notice the small things. The simplest thing you can do to help, is fixing problems rather than ignoring them. I’m talking really small, like picking up litter that you walk by on the street and throwing it away. Even if you weren’t the one who littered, we all live in the same world and are consequently all impacted by the decisions of others. Little things like picking up trash and making sure your windows are rolled up if you have trash in your backseat are the little things that make big differences.
  2. Grow a butterfly/bee garden. Pollination is a process too far overlooked. Not only is a butterfly garden fun to build and aesthetically appealing to view from your porch, but it provides an opportunity for pollination to occur, helping plants produce more seeds and keep our world looking classy.
  3. Ask for paper instead of plastic. The next time the bagger at the grocery store presents to you the same familiar question, try switching up your answer and replying, “paper.” This goes a long way, as paper bags are recyclable. Alternatively, you could bring reusable bags and ask for your groceries to be put into those. Not only are there environmental benefits of this decision, but you also keep the bagger on their toes. 
  4. Volunteer for cleanups. This one requires slightly more effort, but if it’s something you’re interested in, it could really be of benefit. I say, give it a whirl. Who knows what animals you will save or harm to the environment you will negate? 
  5. Use energy efficient light bulbs. Not only do they contribute less to greenhouse gases, but these bulbs last longer so not only are you saving energy, but money too!
  6. Ride your bike. This one can be tricky to do sometimes depending on your destination, and it can also be a bit tiresome. But, when you can, I highly encourage you to ride your bike the next time you need to get something from the grocery store or go to a friend’s house. Plus, you save gas money.

Of course you don’t have to do all of the items on this list, though, all the more to you if you do. I encourage you to pick one thing off of this list and stick to it. You may be surprised just how easy and rewarding helping the environment in little ways can be. Everyone has the ability to make change big and small, good and bad. I hope that you choose to make a good change.