The recent pandemic of the COVID-19 coronavirus has affected everyone in their daily routine. Here’s how you can stay healthy during your time away from school.

Remember to frequently wash your hands with soap and water. By washing your hands, viruses that may be on your hands are killed, and infection risk is decreased.

Practice social distancing. The World Health Organization suggests that your should maintain at least three feet between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing. If you are too close, there is the possibility of breathing in the droplets which may contain the virus or other infectious diseases.

Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. For a lot of us, this is the most difficult one, because we are so used to doing this out of habit. But this is important to remember, because your hands touch many different surfaces over the course of the day and can pick up viruses. Then, the hands may transfer the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth, then it can enter your body and make you sick.

Cover your coughing and sneezing. Always remember that you and people around you are coughing and sneezing by covering the mouth and nose with a bent elbow or tissue, and always throwing out the used tissue immediately. By following good respiratory hygiene etiquette, you protect yourself and others from viruses.

Stay home if you feel sick. Seek medical care if you experience the symptoms of coronavirus. Even if you don’t experience symptoms, you still could be infected, so please practice these tips to limit the spread of this virus.

Don’t travel. Don’t travel if you don’t need to. I know flight tickets are low, but just don’t. Your chances of becoming infected are much higher if you travel.

Stay up to date on the latest news about COVID-19 through reliable news services, your healthcare provider, as well as national and local health authorities. They have the most up to date information about the virus.

But most importantly, don’t panic. It’s a strange time for everyone. We are getting through this together.