Attention Saber Slate readers! We still have an Advice Column, and we’re still accepting submissions for advice! Recently, we got a whopping 1 new question from who wants to be called “Basement Bois.” Basement Bois asks: 

“What looks good on guys during the winter?  That isn’t the common sweats/vans/sweatshirt?  I like to be in the basement a lot wearing steel toes and jeans, but how do i make that look Good?  So I guess the real question is, How do basement kids look really good in the winter?” 

Dear Basement Bois,

Flannels. The answer is always flannels. Flannels go with absolutely anything, no matter what kind of season. In the fall, pair flannels with jeans or khakis. During the wintertime, pair the flannel and jeans with some kind of hoodie or winter jacket (that doesn’t contain bright colors). In the springtime, just simply roll the sleeves of your flannel shirt back and opt for khaki shorts if it’s warm out. If it’s very hot out like in the summer, there are good short sleeve and thinner flannel shirts out there that are very nice. And during all seasons, wear cowboy boots. Cowboy boots go absolutely with anything, no matter what you wear. On a more serious note, just take it easy with what you wear. As long as you don’t try too hard to look good, you probably already look fine with a hoodie and jeans. 

Thank you to Basement Bois for your submission! Remember to fill out Advice Column submissions at Be sure to email if you have any questions. Your submission may be featured in a future article, so stay tuned!