In the year-long class Intro to Video Production, we recently watched Forrest Gump to look at the countless special effects used in the film, headlining into our next unit. I had never seen Forrest Gump until this week, but I have to say that it is probably my top 10 favorite movies. Here’s why!

The movie is about Forrest Gump, played by Tom Hanks (Toy Story, Catch Me If You Can) marvelously. Forrest is waiting for a bus while narrating his life story to the people who sit by him. He describes his role in the Vietnam War, Watergate, being a ping pong champion, and more, all the way to his experiences with his best friend, Jenny.

You may be asking yourself as to how special effects fit in with this movie. In 1994, it was monumental for blending in stock footage and real-time footage. In layman’s terms, there could be a documentary of JFK playing but Tom Hanks would act in dead space or as an extra. Then, the subjects of the footage would be dubbed to say as to what is being conveyed in the story. This would make for entertaining scenes and would go on to win an Academy Award, along with others, for its special effects.

This movie is also amazing because of the acting. Tom Hanks’ acting is amazing as he had to be someone who isn’t the smartest (low IQ) and has to go around making choices that would otherwise be straightforward. What was so awesome about the performance was that he found a balanced performance, where he could make scenes funny with his stupidity. The story and the soundtrack are also very good and fit perfectly with the setting of the story. The movie was well-paced and constantly entertaining. Also, I don’t have experiences where I cry over movies, but I have to say that this movie’s ending had me slightly choked up, as it wonderfully concludes a fantastic plot without ever needing to set up a pointless sequel or “extended universes” (looking at you, Disney).

I am going to give Forrest Gump an A+. Thank you for reading and I’ll catch you next time with my next review.