Halloween (2018) Review

Halloween (2018) Review

After 10 terrible movies and 40 years, we got it. The true sequel to Halloween 1978 (this movie ignores all the other movies). And what can I say, it was AWESOME! After 40 years, we see Nick Castle return as Michael Myers as well as Jamie Lee Curtis returns as Laurie Strode in this 1-hour 44-minute film. This movie is directed by David Gordon Green and takes place 40 years after the original where Michael Myers returns from prison to kill more people to get to his number 1 enemy, Laurie Strode. And while on this adventure there is action, comedy, and dram, plus a lot of gruesome deaths (more on that later). Let’s start off with the directing.

David Gordon Green uses a different way to pace this movie. The first 30 minutes of this movie is setting up the next hour, introducing the characters, the plot, and the environment. This is my main issue with this movie because it felt very slow, granted it was fun seeing returning older characters. Apart from this the rest of the movie was incredible. Right, when the first kill happens it is a non-stop ride. This was the best part of this movie in that the kills and action were authentic and masterfully done. From the suspense building to the final kill, it put me to the edge of my seat. The acting and comedy were also awesome as Jamie Lee Curtis does an excellent job at making me care about her character, not to mention the comedy being done at just the right parts. John Carpenter’s score (fun fact: John Carpenter directed the first Halloween movie) as well as the editing and homages to the original were also done well and added even more positives to this movie. From a script perspective, the writers were able to craft a story that was able to set up the next hour that showed Michael Myers in his true form, while also adding new subplots and character development that pays off later. I recommend you see this movie soon with more people or bring a friend along (shout out to Ryder) so that then you are able to enjoy the experience for anticipating the next kill even more.

Despite the slow beginning, this is the best horror movie of this year and I highly recommend you check this movie out soon. I’m going the rate this movie an A. It is rated R (caution: there is a brief scene of nudity that may be offensive and/or too inappropriate for some users) and is playing in theaters now. Thank you guys for reading and don’t forget to comment below on movies you want me to review and as always, have a great day.

The Scariest Movies To Watch On Halloween

The Scariest Movies To Watch On Halloween

It’s October, AKA SPOOKY MONTH! Halloween, Trick or Treating, and even clown attacks (well, in 2016 anyway). While we live in the capitalist world of 2018 where every horror movie is a cash-grab for more green in the bin. In 2018 alone we had the Slender Man, Truth Or Dare, The Nun, Venom (though it’s a comic book film), and The First Purge, and these are just the start of the terrible, jump scare gimmicks these cash grabs have to offer. But no, forget those atrocities, the best horror movies are the classics. The scariest movies to watch on Halloween are The Shining (1980) and the original Halloween (1978).

The Shining is a Stanley Kubrick film starring Jack Nicholson. It was the most hated movie when it released, with critics calling it boring, repetitive, and not very creative (granted this was before film today where everything is a mystery). However, over the years, it has gained a cult following, with famed directors such as Steven Spielberg praising this film for its creativity by Stanley Kubrick, as well as the ecstatic performance by Jack Nicholson (fun fact: he played Joker in the 1989 Batman). The movie takes place at a hotel and is about a psychopath murderer threatening the hotel, along with other supernatural forces. That’s all I can say without diving into spoilers. This movie is a must see. It evokes the haunted house atmosphere that you and even a friend can watch, home alone, in the middle of the dark (for a spooky tone). The Shining is on Netflix and is rated R (because no good horror movie is rated PG-13).

John Carpenter had only one vision for this movie: suspense. The original Halloween, released in 1978 (which is getting a direct sequel which releases in theaters in 2018), was created on a $325,000 budget. In today’s terms, that wouldn’t even cover the poster for a major motion picture. This started the genre of slasher movies as this movie for its time was so brutal regarding the violence with a knife that it almost got an NC-17 rating (AKA only for people 17 and above). The plot for this movie is Michael Myers, a serial killer ever since he was 6, attacks babysitter Laurie Strode. He tortures her by murdering all of her friends, then she’s next. This movie is fantastic because it reinvents the horror genre in that before you only got scared because of haunted houses after this movie released no one even felt safe in their homes. This movie is rated R and you can find it to rent, buy, or watch on TV.

The movies I have talked about today are only the couple out of hundreds and thousands of horror movies (good and bad) that you can watch today. I hope you enjoyed this article and are looking forward to watching these movies. As always, comment below on more movies you want me to review and of course, have a Happy Halloween!

Why you can never be too old for Halloween

Why you can never be too old for Halloween

Trick or Treating. Who doesn’t love it? I’m sure we all had memories of going around the neighborhood carrying those little pumpkin baskets before we got smart and started bringing pillowcases. The time when take one didn’t cause an all-out war for the whole bowl. You know, young trick or treating. The kind parents love. They don’t want any snotty teens on their lawn asking them for candy, they want the cute princesses. That’s why some towns have been banning trick or treating for kids over 12. In my unbiased opinion as a teenager who trick or treats, this isn’t fair. But if you are trapped in a situation where you can’t trick or treat for one reason or another, that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy Halloween. So here are some fun alternatives to trick or treating on Halloween.

Just the tricks

If you don’t feel like walking around a neighborhood and asking strangers for candy, you can be the stranger and hand candy out. Pass the time by scaring children with novelty masks and yelling boo. Or you can go all the way and dress up in a creepy costume and chase 5-year-olds around. What could be more fun? Make it a challenge to scare as many people as you possibly can, your friends, family, everyone you know! If you do it well enough, I can guarantee you it will be a Halloween you’ll never forget. I suggest turning the power off late at night and doing as you please.

Staying at home

Don’t have friends? You can just stay home and have a fun time on your own. Most TV shows have Halloween specials to watch, or you could play video games, read a book. You could eat oranges until the sun comes up. You could eat oranges until the sun goes down again. Or you could just do what you do every other day of your life. However, this is highly unrecommended, as Halloween is one of the best times of the year and you should be having a life.

Go trick or treating

Who cares what those prudes think? Trick or treating is amazing! You get to dress up as anything, from skeletons to bananas, while also getting free candy. If you are so worried about people wondering if you are 18 years old, just slap on a John Cena mask and be a tall 12-year-old. Nobody will be any the wiser. Plus, free candy. You can’t pass it up. Forget society, get out there!

Halloween only comes around once a year. So celebrate it in some way! Don’t be boring. Go out and be spooky, be fun, and be scary!


The Top 10 Halloween Costumes of All Time

The Top 10 Halloween Costumes of All Time

Halloween is just around the corner, and you know what that means – costume shopping!

Some people go all out, making their own awesome costume or spending thousands on their costumes, while others make their own using homemade methods. Sometimes people just spend less than $20 on a prepackaged costume from Party City (or if they’re feeling extra spicy, Walmart).

If you don’t have time, energy, or materials for any of those – but you do have a few weeks to spare and an Amazon prime account, here are the top 10 costumes to buy for Halloween, compiled for your convenience.

10. Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head: Perfect for couples who want to make it known that they are in a completely serious and devoted relationship, this costume is perfect for all the lovebirds out there. Not only will you and your significant other look fabulous in the stylish shade of desert brown and the facial features glued onto the fabric, but the extra space surrounding your body is like a big pocket – perfect for warming hands, storing candy, safekeeping handbags, or sneaking out of a party with a whole plate of ham unnoticed.





9. Poop Emoji: If you are a fan of the Emoji Movie, you’re in luck! This poop emoji costume lets everyone know that not only did you rate the Emoji Movie 10/10 on IMDb, but that you’re also a diehard fan and will do anything for the poop emoji. The velvety fabric of the costume just shrieks couture at the top of its lungs as you walk down the road with your bag of candy (which is filled to the brim). Celebrities walk on the red carpet because they’re stars, but you walk on toilet paper because you’re the stuff.


8. Your Left Foot: Sometimes, you just love your left foot so much that you want it to be a part of your Halloween costume – and the makers of this amazing costume really came through and listened. When you dress up as a foot, not only does it boost your self-esteem but others around you as well – it reminds them how far their feet have taken them on this strenuous night and it makes them grateful. If you want to go all-out, paint the toenails a fun Halloween color or design!




7. Baby Hotdog: For the little ones at the party. Have everyone wondering what you did to deserve such a big hotdog, and not actually know that is your beloved child or other small relative/friend. The baby will be comfortably swaddled in a whole wheat bun and pork meat, allowing people to ogle at you and your hotdog, and allowing the baby to not make a fuss while you enjoy your grandma’s Halloween Bash.




6. Toilet: Be the porcelain throne as you prance around in the night. The bowl is functional and can be used as an extra bag of candy when your bag gets too full from people dumping all their candy into yours because they love your costume so much. To really convince people, bring a squirt bottle filled with water to illustrate the plumbing issues real toilets have. Just remember to wear good shoes to run away from people who are actually convinced you are a legitimate toilet.




5. Alien Kidnap Victim: This costume is really good if you’re looking to give people a good old fashioned Halloween spook. When you walk into the party, people will be alarmed to see their best friend being kidnapped by an alien, and wonder if they are next! If things get out of hand, tell everyone it’s just you in the costume and the alien isn’t real to get several rounds of high-fives. Bonus, you look like a funny little alien man running around. Make alien noises to persuade people! (Glorps, Gleeps, and plain old screaming.)



4. Bert Morphsuit: A Bert morphsuit is a perfect way to get your friends into the Halloween spirit, especially their kiddies. Walk around the party in your glamorous suit, screaming Cher Lloyd’s “Swagger Jagger” at an alarmingly high volume and calling everyone Bert rather than their real names. You might not be able to eat or drink at all that night, but the joy you’ll bring the children makes the wait worthwhile.





3. Billy Bass the Talking Fish: Since this isn’t a full-body costume, you should either wear a nice polo or a wetsuit to complete the look. Walk around the neighborhood, speaking with a 1920’s accent and singing “Hello My Baby” as loudly as you can instead of saying “Thank You” to the people who give you candy. Refer to your companions as “old chaps” and refuse to eat seafood for the night. Douse yourself in fish scent by eating lots of fish oil pills and hanging fish to your body with duct tape – claim they’re your siblings.



2. Fortnite Skin: Fornite is the best game ever. Period. Why not have a costume from it? Normal skins are lame, get all fancy and do the default dance down the street as you cruise along with your Skull Trooper costume on. Get the Victory Royale as you come back to your house with a bag full of candy. HIT THAT SPOOKY CHUG JUG!




#1: THANOS: And the Number One Halloween costume of all time is: THANOS! Straight from Infinity War, everyone will love the mask. Colored an amazing shade of purple and constantly wielding the threat of erasing half of humanity, everyone at the Halloween party will see you walk in and think “Wow, why didn’t I think of that?” The costume comes with an attractive, almost-too-real mask beautifully handcrafted to capture every element of Thanos’ face, and the majestic suit shouts “powerful” – on top of that, the gauntlet you hold upon your fist justifies your dangerous nature and secures your spot as the ruler of the universe. Buy a costume today, and if you’re feeling extra powerful, dress up your car too – you’ll be driving a Thanos C–


And those are the top 10 costumes for Halloween. I hope you are ready to hit the streets, and I pray that the public is ready for you and you amazing taste in Halloween costumes; Because I bet they’ll glance at you for a second and the sheer force of how cool you look will knock their socks off. So what are you waiting for? Buy one now!

What are your favorite Halloween costumes?